Cyber Expedite  – Insight Series

Insight Series is a collection of exclusive security related content by industry experts and organisations to keep you informed of current best practices.

Insight Series Post – VM Group October 2023

Cyber Expedite  - Insight Series Insight Series is a collection of exclusive security related content by industry experts and organisations to keep you informed of current best practices.VMGroup is a global firm, operating since 2014, providing extensive knowledge and...

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Recommended Cyber Expedite Workflow.

Incident Response

Every organisation at some point will deal with an incident, the key is always speed at which you respond and well you are prepared to minimise any such incident.

This build will highlight the urgency to the Service provider and allow you to send your full unredacted Cyber Expedite as quickly as you need too along with giving you access to emergency incident response contact details immediately.

Click the button above to login and start your scoping exercise to connect for free to this service provider.

Below you’ll find some useful online security Resources

Please note we are not affiliated with these organisations, permission for use of their respective logos and links have been obtained. 

CIS Critical Security Controls

The CIS Controls (formerly known as Critical Security Controls) are a recommended set of actions for cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways to stop today’s most pervasive and dangerous attacks. 

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) was founded in 2011 and is an operational arm of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC).

IISF - Irish Information Security Forum

The Irish Information Security Forum (IISF) was established primarily to improve the understanding and practice of Information Security (IS) or Cybersecurity within the Irish business computer user community.

Cyber Ireland

“Cyber Ireland brings together Industry, Academia and Government to represent the needs of the Cyber Security Ecosystem in Ireland. Check out this link to discover events near you.

Our Archives

Service Providers get started to find new opportunities and optimise your proposal costs.


Our Company Mission

We built Cyber Expedite with one reason in mind, to add value, not just those companies with dedicated information Security professionals, but the ones with none.

Our Vision

Modernise and manage risk in an agile way, supporting local security companies while providing access to the best global security companies on offer.


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90 Day Window to Secure Service Providers

We’ll leave your Cyber Expedite build open for 90 days to ensure you get the right service provider, or if your requirement gets delayed.